Tango Intensive Weekend
with Dale and visiting instructor
Gem Duras of Tango Sueño Academy

Tango Intensive Weekend April 25 - 27th
. . . join us!

Dale & Gem

Two full days of instruction for all levels with Dale & Gem
packed into this weekend.

Intensive Schedule:

Saturday, April 26th

1:00 - 2:15 - TBD


2:30 - 3:45 TBD


4:00 - 5:15 TBD


* * * * *

Workshops are $25 each, all day Saturday for $60

Rival/Academy of Dance Arts
709 Johnnie Dodds, Mt. Pleasant
(above Nadeau, park in back, side entrance)

Sunday, April 27th Workshops

1:00 - 2:15 TBD



2:30 - 3:45 TBD


* * * * *

Workshops are $25 each, both on Sunday for $40

Rival/Academy of Dance Arts
709 Johnnie Dodds, Mt. Pleasant
(above Nadeau, park in back, side entrance)

Gem and I will be available for a limited number of private lessons on Thursday and Friday; please email me for availability.

It will be a great weekend of
Argentine Tango!

Cash or Venmo only; No partner needed; singles are very welcome.
Parking behind studio, please bring your own water.

Learn the beauty of this
captivating dance ...



Private Lessons in Mt. Pleasant

Private Instruction

Private instruction is the fastest and most accurate way to learn Argentine Tango. I excel at teaching proper technique as well as traditional tango figures in classic salon, close-embrace, milonguero, stage and nuevo styles. Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned dancer that wants to improve his/her technique, I am able to take your dance to the next level. As a leader and a follower, I am able to instruct all dancers in the nuances of this beautiful dance.

Private lessons are $80/hour for one person or a couple.

I love teaching a couple the beauty and intimacy of the Argentine Tango for their first dance, anniversary, birthday, or celebration. You can make this a connection with your partner to remember forever.

Email me at info@tangorojo.com to be added to the TangoRojo email list or to schedule a private lesson.


Give the gift of dance
gift certificates available!

Questions? email me at info@tangorojo.com


Join Dale on Facebook to keep up with Tango events!




"el infinito tango me lleva hacia todo"
"the infinite tango takes me towards everything"
-   Jorge Luis Borges

Omar Workshop

Assisting maestro Omar Vega in Milonga Traspie Workshop


Tango Workshop